Hey guys, don't really have anything huge going on but I thought I would update and try to rock y'all's world anyway. Zach is back from Florida and things are getting back to normal. I found out that I really DO NOT like it when he is gone, I feel like the second half of me is missing. Yesterday we went to dinner with his family, his cousin Crystal is in town and I hadn't met her til the other night. She's so funny, we hit it off right away. Tonight, I tried really hard to have dinner in the oven by the time Zach got home, I didn't make it. But it was well on it's way, better than nothing! While it baked, I cleaned the bathrooms and did laundry. I don't know where this domestic bug came from, but it has infected me!
This weekend we're going to San Antonio to visit Mandy and I'm beyond excited. I didn't get to see her this last weekend when they were in town and I think I'm going through SABFF withdrawals. We're only going to be there for a night, but knowing Mandy and I, we will make that night count! Good thing Zach and Chris have each other, because they sure won't have their wives for a while! LOL!
Our washing machine went out last week and I am so mad. We're trying to weigh the costs on getting it fixed with the costs on getting a new one, pray for us with that one. There are some things that have come up that will require some money, and we need to feel comfortable.
Married life is amazing and we're adjusting nicely. I love the fact that I get to go to sleep and wake up next to Zach every day. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was made for me, and I for him.
Also, pray for my health. I've been feeling really run down lately, not really myself, and my stomach has been bothering me off and on. July 1st my insurance kicks in and I'm gonna go get myself checked out, I just hope it's nothing serious.
Ok, enough with the mushiness of life, I'm going to go to sleep now. It's only 10:30 but I need to rest up for my long Friday night with Mandy!
I don't have a catchy title for this entry...
So Many Different Directions
I'm laying in bed tonight, watching my guilty pleasure "The Kardashians" and thinking. My heart is being pulled in way too many directions right now. Kristen's grandmother died on Tuesday, her funeral is Saturday and it breaks my heart I can't be there. We had already committed to helping First Baptist with a 1st and 2nd Grade Fun Day and I don't feel right backing out now. I know that Rae would understand, but I don't like to back out on my word. I know that all day Saturday my heart will be in Nacogdoches.
I LOVE it when Mandy and Chris are here, it totally makes my whole month to see them, but when they leave, I always feel the same; sad. They take a bit of my heart back to SA with them every time. If we could, I would pack up this whole house in a heartbeat, move up to SA and start a life there. I want to do that more than anything. But I know it's not the right time. Zach has an amazing job that he loves, SJD is a wonderful church and there are a ton of people there that I love so much. I am really close to my family and all of the other people here who are like family to me and I will miss them if we leave. But when we're in San Antonio, it feels so right. I never want to leave. So there's another direction I'm being pulled.
I don't really know what to do other than just stay put and listen to what God wants us to do. And I know that Zach is the head of our family, and I will follow him anywhere. And I know that he knows where we are right now is the right thing for us. So I pray for peace and patience and guidance. And that Mandy will come to Houston every single weekend....kidding (kind of).
Trying This All Over Again
I used to have a blog, I did. I wrote on (in?) it almost every single day. But I wouldn't want to read it now, as a matter of fact, I deleted it all about 3 years ago. The person who wrote that other blog was not the me that I want to remember, it was at a point in my life when I didn't really know who I was, and I was trying so hard to figure that out and it was all going horribly wrong. But this is a new me. The me who has grown up, found love, found new friends, and found who I am in Jesus Christ. So let's try this all over again.
I just got married. 12 days ago, actually. It was the most amazing moment in my life, and every day it just gets better and better. I had dreamed about my wedding day since I was a little girl, and it went nothing like I had dreamed. It was better. Shelley, my sister for all intents and purposes, was my matron of honor. Kelly, my best friend from high school, was my maid of honor. She's one of those friends where we don't talk for months on end, and then we talk and it's like we never left. I love her. Kristen, my best friend from college and one of the people I adore the most in this world, was my bridesmaid. They all did an amazing job and I couldn't think of anyone better I would want beside me as I got married to the love of my life.
Collin is my little brother. He's such an amazing kid. I love him to death. He's not legally or biologically my brother, but I'm his sister and you couldn't convince us any other way. I've known him his whole life and I've watched him grow from a cute little kid who I rode all the rides at Astro World with to a high schooler who is starting to ask his own questions and challenge others. I'm proud of who he is and can't wait to see who he is going to become. He walked my mom down the aisle and I really wish I could have seen it, I'm sure it would have brought tears to my eyes. He's growing up so fast.
Now, I have these friends who play music. They're the most amazing people in the world, for real. Their band, December's End, consists of Mandy and Chris Campbell and Maggie and Jon Raveneau. Chris is Zach's best friend from forever and he and his wife Mandy are two of the most awesome people in my life. Zach introduced me to them last summer when we had just gotten engaged and I don't have any problem telling you I was freaked out. I was afraid they wouldn't like me. I knew these people were really important and special to Zach, so I knew either they liked me, or I had to go. Well, they loved me, and I loved them. We ended up staying in SA almost a week longer than we were going to. Mandy has become one of my favorite people and whenever we're in the same town, we're pretty much inseparable. Since the boy's are the same way, I don't think they mind that they lose their girls when we're together. Maggie is Mandy's twin sister and she is married to Jon. She is just as sweet as her sister and I'm lucky they all are my friends. They did the music for the wedding and it was absolutely perfect.
I felt really special that everybody who was there was there to celebrate with us. I didn't realize all the people who care about us, but we are so lucky. I love my new church family and all the friends I've made because of Zach. My new life is amazing. It's the perfect blend of my life and Zach's life put into a new life and being blessed by God.
So, all of you reading this blog (which is probably me and one other person), I hope you enjoy it. It's me and we're trying this all over again.